What are We All About?
Our Purpose
The purpose of the missions committee is to shepherd and pioneer partnerships with outside mission organizations and promote a passionate heart for these ministries within the body of Christ.
Our Mandate
We have a mandate to integrate missions into the very fabric of the church and a license to make a wake and disrupt the status quo as we do it.
Our Manifesto: We believe…
Missions is sharing the gospel of Christ with those who have not yet heard.
Every Christian is designed to be a part of sharing the truth of Christ with the lost.
It takes many roles to reach the lost: some pray, some organize, some fund, some go, some tell.
Each believer will be uniquely gifted in some way to reach the lost.
Missions is not optional; without it the church is a merely club and the Christian is just a member.
“Declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous deeds among all peoples.”
~ Psalm 96:3
How Can You Get Involved in missions at CCC?
Join the Missions Team
We gather to pray for our mission efforts once every other month. There are a nearly unlimited number of ways you can serve on this team, depending on your gifts and availability. If you have a heart and passion for seeing people come to Christ here and abroad, we’d love to have you join us! Contact missions@cccwnc.com for more information.
Get involved by giving financially to any of the ministries we support. Your donation through the church is tax deductible.
Each year we send small teams of CCC members to our overseas ministry partners as needed. We are always looking for team leaders and medical personnel, but there are other areas to serve on a team as well. In addition, our local ministry partners have a number of opportunities for service.
Our Partners
Alpha Ministries
Evangelism and church planting in Asia and Africa
Work in Middle East and Southeast Asia
Anchor of Hope/Stepping Forward Ministries
Sarah Smith, Caring for orphans and promoting adoption in Romania
Mentoring Men for the Master, Will Baker
First Fruit Ministries
Ministry to the poor and homeless
El Cuerpo
Supporting the Latino community’s health, educational and spiritual needs.
Port City Young Life
High school campus student ministry
Lifeline Pregnancy Center
Crisis pregnancy center that reaches abortion-minded women and families
Shane and Dorenda Hartley, UNCW campus professor and staff ministry
Blake Hartley, UNC-Chapel Hill International students
Reformed University Fellowship
Sam Kennedy, UNCW campus student ministry
Matt Holdsworth, UVA campus student ministry
Kamryn Holleman, Virginia Tech campus student ministry