Equipping Nights provide theological, pastoral, and practical wisdom on the Christian life. Our Equipping Nights might focus on a cultural issue, spiritual discipline, or some other aspect of life.
Below the video gallery are any slides, notes, or other relevant links for Equipping Nights.

The Evil Twins of Legalism and Lawlessness
Handout for Equipping Night – 2.2.2025
What Does Marriage Have to Do with the Stars?
Un-complicating the Unborn
Bodily Confusion and Biblical Clarity
The Emotional Life of a Christian
The Emotional Life of the Christian
Equipping Night #4 – Emotional Life of the Christian – 5-1-24
The Emotional Life of Jesus
Handout for Equipping Night – 3.20.24
Equipping Night #3 – The Emotional Life of Jesus