Missions Update
Stacia, our mission partner from South East Asia, will be at CCC on Saturday, January 11 for a meet and greet from 9-11:00 a.m. Breakfast will be served; childcare for 0-5 will be provided. This is her first visit to the US since she started serving two years ago. Come hear her stories of working in a cross cultural context!
Adult Sunday School
Adult Sunday School will resume on January 12 and will continue the fall study of Knowing the Living God. Anyone can jump in, even if you didn’t attend last semester! The study will dive into God’s attributes deeper than ever before. Whether you are a seeker, brand new believer, or you’ve been walking with God for decades, we all benefit from increasing our knowledge of God. This class will begin on January 12 during the 9:00 a.m. service. We will use a workbook and there will be about one hour of weekly homework to prepare for discussion. You can download a free version of the workbook here, or purchase a printed copy from the Church for $10. Our class will be using the ESV version of the workbook.
Men’s Bible Study
We hope you can join us for a 12-week study that walks through Joshua.
There are two different groups meeting:
1) Tuesday mornings at 6:00 a.m.
2) Tuesday evenings at 6:15 p.m.
The study will begin on January 21. REGISTER HERE! If you have any questions, please email Parker Davis (Tuesday morning guys) or Claude Owens (Tuesday evening guys).
Women’s Bible Study
We hope you can join us in January for a seven-week Bible study tracing the promise from Genesis 3:15 through seven Old Testament stories. In each encounter, we’ll see how God faithfully fulfilled his promise as he prepared us for the ultimate offspring who brought our eternal salvation. Each week will include individual homework, small group discussion and video teaching.
There are two different groups meeting:
1) Tuesday evenings at 6:00 p.m. at the church (no childcare)
2) Thursday mornings at 9:30 a.m. at the church (childcare is provided)
The study will begin on January 14 and 16. REGISTER HERE ! If you have any questions, please email Shelley.
Men’s Retreat
Join us for a Men’s Retreat on March 14-15. We will be camping only 20 minutes away in Navassa, NC. All men 9th grade and up are invited to come! More details and registration will be coming in January.
The Holy Sexuality Conference
Christ Community Church is thrilled to host author and speaker, Christopher Yuan for The Holy Sexuality Conference this upcoming April. In a world filled with confusion about sexuality and gender, Dr. Yuan seeks to provide a Christ-centered understanding of this subject rooted in the gospel that is full of grace and full of truth. Please mark your calendars for April 26, 2025 and spread the word. We would love for you to join us for this timely and helpful event. We will send out more communication when registration opens.